Maureclaire: Thanksgiving Day
Maureclaire: Adam & Kayla
Maureclaire: Me at Chinese Door
Maureclaire: I went Zip Lining Today !
Maureclaire: Turners Falls MA Fabrications Fashion Show 09
Maureclaire: Bodhi has arrived to temper my sadness
Maureclaire: Sharon
Maureclaire: My neighbors on one of these fine fall afternoons !
Maureclaire: Conga Player
Maureclaire: Postman Tom
Maureclaire: Tasha & Kayla, 1994
Maureclaire: Boomers Rockin' Out
Maureclaire: The Flutist
Maureclaire: My Son, Jeff & Daughter, 1998
Maureclaire: Who Needs Skateboards or Scooters ?
Maureclaire: Guy in a Skirt
Maureclaire: Green Feathers Girl
Maureclaire: A Quick Nap
Maureclaire: Zak & I, 1986
Maureclaire: Glass Blower
Maureclaire: My Granddaughter, Kayla, got Warholized !!!
Maureclaire: Mother & Daughter
Maureclaire: Flower Boy
Maureclaire: My Son in Drag !
Maureclaire: Montague Soapbox Derby 2010
Maureclaire: Avery performed a violin concert for her great- grammy...
Maureclaire: My Niece, Helena; me & granddaughter, Kayla
Maureclaire: Catching Some Rays
Maureclaire: Kayla & Teddie
Maureclaire: Time for an upgrade ?