zensmom1: Would you come swim with me? Please. :o)
zensmom1: East
zensmom1: East with Flickr Friend Marylea :o)
zensmom1: East thinks she's a lap dog. Marylea was a good sport!
zensmom1: East & Lady in Pool
zensmom1: Hello!
zensmom1: East (Leader Dog In Training) with Lady in background
zensmom1: Stay, stay, stay
zensmom1: East Asking - "What am I to Do Next?, I'm waiting for you to tell me." :o)
zensmom1: Update on East at Leader Dog School
zensmom1: East, The Leader Dog Puppy in Training!
zensmom1: East has passed the final phase for Leader Dog Training!
zensmom1: Farewell My Friend, You Will Be Missed