herpetofauna.gr: Pseudopus apodus - Glass lizard
michael_jeddah: The "Cow of Tinterhert"
michael_jeddah: Algeria 1991
michael_jeddah: Libya/Chad 1997
michael_jeddah: rock carvings in the gorge of odingueur
Sur Le Dep: 01 grotte cocoina 65
Sur Le Dep: 01 grotte cocoina 05
Sur Le Dep: 01 grotte cocoina 15
Sur Le Dep: 01 grotte cocoina 20
Sur Le Dep: 07 Borkour 260
giancarlosalvador: graffito della vacca tatuata
giancarlosalvador: Panoramica di Toumour
giancarlosalvador: Le guglie di Toumour
Eric Lafforgue: The Keal ceremony in Bodi tribe - Ethiopia
Eric Lafforgue: Cow ready for sacrifice in Kael ceremony in Bodi tribe - Ethiopia
Eric Lafforgue: Headrests in Key Afer market - Ethiopia
Eric Lafforgue: Mursi tribe woman - omo Ethiopia
Eric Lafforgue: Karo tribe warrior - Omo Ethiopia
Eric Lafforgue: Tsamai warrior - Key Afer Ethiopia
Eric Lafforgue: Mursi woman scarifications on belly - Ethiopia
Eric Lafforgue: The Hamer tribe whipper make up ceremony - Omo Ethiopia
Eric Lafforgue: Ring the bell if you are lost - Hamer kid - Omo Ethiopia
Eric Lafforgue: Surma warrior with Kalashnikov - Omo Ethiopia
Eric Lafforgue: Karo warrior in Omo valley - Ethiopia
Eric Lafforgue: Beauty is a serious thing in Surma tribe - Ethioipia
Eric Lafforgue: Majangir tribe woman - Ethiopia
Eric Lafforgue: Surmas men haircut - Ethiopia
Eric Lafforgue: Surma kids in Donga stick fighting - Ethiopia