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for the love of knowledge
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at the end of the daylight
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time has a way of softening life.
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Ask and Ye Shall Receive
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S T A R S & S T R I P E S
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You're not Alone
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i stand all amazed
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i don't suppose we know all the answers.
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Sometimes, it's YOUR turn to shine.
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.there is no one just like you.
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Where there is Light, there is no darkness.
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God sheds Light on who you are....and who you are to become.
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It's the people that speak the softest about themselves, that God hears the loudest.
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Love Potion no.9
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Love doesn't grow on trees like apples in Eden -
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"For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul." - Judy Garland
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Enchantment may be a state of rapture and ecstasy in which the soul comes to the foreground, and the literal concerns of survival and daily preoccupation at least momentarily-- fade into the background.
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" There is nothing stronger than true love. You must believe to understand, and you must understand to believe. If you don't believe, you can't understand, and, if you don't understand, you can't believe.”
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After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music. ~~Aldous Huxley
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"And summer's lease hath all too short a date."
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"Forever is not a word...rather a place where two lovers go when true love takes them there."
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For Liz, May You stand Tall on bended Knee.
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lean on me, when you're not strong.
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All who enter as strangers, leave as friends.
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A Friend is more than the meeting of minds, it's when two souls collide.
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Don't underestimate the value of Doing Nothing, of just going along, listening to all the things you can't hear, and not bothering.
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happiness is key....
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If you think you've never seen Heaven, look again into the eyes of a child. ~~vikki