ratexla (protected by Pixsy):
20110528_28k Very catty-eyed cat sitting by a garbage bin in Split, Croatia
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20110524_07k Social little cat at the central station in Istanbul, Turkey
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20111021_2k Adopted kitteh in a blanket on the tram | Gothenburg, Sweden
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A pregnant cat had been spayed (1 ml syringe for scale) | Sweden, 2019
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20140921_4k Intense kitteh's face | Antibes, France
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20110704_1 Long-haired black cat in Gothenburg, Sweden
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20021226_06 Cosy rat pillow
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20110524_09k Guy petting the social little cat at the central station in Istanbul, Turkey
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20021005_09 Zorro playing
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20110524_08 Social little cat at the central station in Istanbul, Turkey
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20050507_3 Sören, friends' cat (black and white)
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20021226_05 Walking after flying yarn rat
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20100513_08 Shy cat in Särö Västerskog (near Gothenburg, Sweden)
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20140702_04 Moritza the cat | Gotlands Djurfristad, an animal sanctuary on Gotland, Sweden
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20030426_07 Firm grip
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Me, my awesome skin, & an ex-acquaintance's kitteh | Early 1998?
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20050922_05 Cat and tick-picker in Öxnäs, Sweden
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20030426_15 Night hunter
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20030426_05 ''I'm a little spider.''
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20021226_03 Diving on a knitted rat
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20140702_08 Moritza the cat | Gotlands Djurfristad, an animal sanctuary on Gotland, Sweden
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20120319k Feline acquaintance | Gothenburg, Sweden
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20030426_04 Cat cousin Zorro with open mouth
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20021226_01 Zorro and his gran
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20140921_3 Intense kitteh | Antibes, France
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20070404 Vera the cat on my sleeping classmate. Why didn't you choose ME, Vera? WHY?!
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20021005_02 Zorro tossing his long blond hair around
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20200719_01 "Valuable cat without traffic sense"... version 2 | The trail Biosfärleden, between Lugnås & Forshem, Sweden
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20071224_2 Zorro half on the table
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20110608_03k Flat cat resting by the Colosseum. He's famous! :) | Rome, Italy