adsmith1971: Another lost ball.
adsmith1971: Charge
adsmith1971: img306(b)
adsmith1971: img268
adsmith1971: Rufus and Darwin
adsmith1971: Rufus with holywood streaks
adsmith1971: By the beach hut
adsmith1971: Ruuuuffffuuuuuss
adsmith1971: Foggy Morning with Rufus
adsmith1971: Digging to China, or maybe the ball, which ever comes first
adsmith1971: Rufus....
adsmith1971: Sweet and mellow...for now.
adsmith1971: Rufus at the pond
adsmith1971: Gotta love dogs.
adsmith1971: img370
adsmith1971: img366
adsmith1971: img369
adsmith1971: img386
adsmith1971: img387
adsmith1971: img364(b)