Wim Koopman: God made the world, but the Dutch made Holland
Avulsionist: IMG_20160517_091803
John Scalzi: Cat and Wayne Rambo
SoulRiser: lazy cat
mystical_muk: Photo on 11-9-15 at 4.24 PM #7
Fleep Tuque: Stealing mother's strawberries @janee922
mystical_muk: Moat curlies
Nareshe: Memorial Day
Fleep Tuque: poor indy on ice
saint_buddha: DSC00153
Willivolt: KITTEN
ka trin ka: Here's how our Monday is starting out.
bfiori: Elliott takes the train
fiskadoro: Fire
saint_buddha: photo(9)
GiantFightingBot: world-famous baby goats
Joe Mud: Eezy Freezy Liquor
Binder Of Daemons: dig my drain
sandwichgirl: Weddell Seal
Mazetta: Mrs Tibbs' limited vocabulary
Megan the Librarian: Piping to pay for a kilt
Megan the Librarian: No Standing Except Trucks
scarykarrey: What time is it?
ka trin ka: Pug chucker
Fleep Tuque: chilbo_classified_hillsidelot_mad4
Avulsionist: IMG_7496
DevilCrayon: 2012-12-16 12.30.42
SeptembreFriscotheque: Group picture, take 1
sandwichgirl: bryan