PreciousBytes: Stylin' Stealthy Sumatran tiger
PreciousBytes: Introducing the Pelican
PreciousBytes: Funny
PreciousBytes: Having a Laugh
PreciousBytes: Shade
PreciousBytes: 5 metres
PreciousBytes: Brunch time
PreciousBytes: "I like my food where it is"
PreciousBytes: Morning siesta
PreciousBytes: Standing Tall
PreciousBytes: "Never again will I touch brussels sprouts"
PreciousBytes: MMMppphhh
PreciousBytes: "Observe my manliness"
PreciousBytes: Rockstar Lion
PreciousBytes: Searching for food
PreciousBytes: Small steps
PreciousBytes: "Did you hear something?"
PreciousBytes: To observe
PreciousBytes: Taking the plunge
PreciousBytes: Cooling off
PreciousBytes: "The Real Life of Pi"
PreciousBytes: "...and all the roads are winding"
PreciousBytes: 294 divided by 7
PreciousBytes: Hangin'
PreciousBytes: Celery, good food stuff
PreciousBytes: Baby Lemur
PreciousBytes: Feasting
PreciousBytes: Delicious
PreciousBytes: Afternoon Snack