kconnelly03: Great Swamp NWR - Red-tailed Hawk
kconnelly03: Great Swamp NWR - Redtail
kconnelly03: Red-tail Hawk -3
kconnelly03: Red-tail Hawk -2
kconnelly03: Watching Like a Hawk
kconnelly03: Northern Harrier on the hunt.
kconnelly03: Northern Harrier lifting off
kconnelly03: Just Hangin' Out
kconnelly03: Whooooooo goes there?
kconnelly03: I'm Out ! Eastern Screech Owl
kconnelly03: Short-eared Owl in Flight.
kconnelly03: Red-tailed Hawk
kconnelly03: Red-tailed Hawk
kconnelly03: On the Hunt.
kconnelly03: Checking things Out
kconnelly03: Red-tailed Hawk at the Swamp
kconnelly03: Short-eared Owl at the Pole Farm
kconnelly03: Ospreys have arrived at Sandy Hook !
kconnelly03: Northern Harrier Hovering
kconnelly03: American Kestrel
kconnelly03: Osprey with fish.
kconnelly03: American Kestrel
kconnelly03: Turkey Vulture
kconnelly03: Osprey - Sandy Hook
kconnelly03: Taking a Rest.
kconnelly03: I can see you...
kconnelly03: Osprey in flight
kconnelly03: Just hangin' out.
kconnelly03: Osprey - testing out its wings.
kconnelly03: Osprey