jacehgn: Alpine Carpet
jacehgn: Alpine Asters
jacehgn: Coreopsis patch on the prairie
jacehgn: harebells
jacehgn: Fireweed at Helmet Creek, BC
jacehgn: Penstemon X
jacehgn: what flower is this
jacehgn: Revelstoke Flowers
jacehgn: Alpine Phlox
jacehgn: Fringed Grass-of-Parnassus
jacehgn: Alpine Lupine
jacehgn: Elephanthead
jacehgn: White Penstemon
jacehgn: Pink Penstemon
jacehgn: Some kind of Lousewort?
jacehgn: Parry Primrose
jacehgn: Alpine Laurel; Kalmia Microphylla
jacehgn: Sego Lilly
jacehgn: Apetalous Campion, Lychnis apetala
jacehgn: Oenothera caespitosa; Gumbo Evening Primrose
jacehgn: Pasqueflower Seedheads
jacehgn: Geum Triflorum; Prairie Smoke
jacehgn: Unknown Bog Flower
jacehgn: Unknown Wildflower
jacehgn: Kootenay Paintbrush
jacehgn: Puccoons and Prairie Smoke
jacehgn: Bloodroot
jacehgn: Redblueberry
jacehgn: Sorbus Fractal