Alaskan Dude:
Face painting (IMG_8386a)
Alaskan Dude:
I love this shot! (IMG_8388a)
Alaskan Dude:
This lass is always smiling (IMG_8390a)
Alaskan Dude:
Trying to look serious (IMG_8393a)
Alaskan Dude:
What a fierce looking guard! (IMG_8394a)
Alaskan Dude:
She doesn't look tough at all (IMG_8395a)
Alaskan Dude:
Colorful lass with a beautiful smile (IMG_8396a)
Alaskan Dude:
Gathering of Lusty Wenches (IMG_8397a)
Alaskan Dude:
Members of the Lusty Wenches (IMG_8398a)
Alaskan Dude:
Passing down family secrets (IMG_8401a)
Alaskan Dude:
Candle making in progress (IMG_8402a)
Alaskan Dude:
Dude in a kilt selling beer (IMG_8404a)
Alaskan Dude:
Dude with quite a food filter (IMG_8405a)
Alaskan Dude:
Consulting about flying cabbages (IMG_8408a)
Alaskan Dude:
Ready to swing at a flying cabbage (IMG_8409a)
Alaskan Dude:
Making cole slaw, Alaskan style (IMG_8412a)
Alaskan Dude:
Muscular dude with a sword (IMG_8418a)
Alaskan Dude:
Redheaded lass of the Red Barony (IMG_8420a)
Alaskan Dude:
Member of the Red Barony walking with purpose(IMG_8421a)
Alaskan Dude:
Guarding two lasses of the Blue Barony 9IMG_8423a)
Alaskan Dude:
The noble Falstaff
Alaskan Dude:
Member of the Green Barony (IMG_8426a)
Alaskan Dude:
Member of the Green Barony (IMG_8427a)
Alaskan Dude:
Member of the Green Barony (IMG_8428a)
Alaskan Dude:
Lovely guard of the Wild Rovers taking a break (IMG_8429a)
Alaskan Dude:
Redheaded member of the Green Barony (IMG_8431a)
Alaskan Dude:
Guarding the blue juggler (IMG_8437a)
Alaskan Dude:
I do believe this is the Blue Baroness (IMG_8438a)
Alaskan Dude:
Sweet lass getting into her dancing (IMG_8442a)
Alaskan Dude:
Ah,not much finer than a smiling redhead! (IMG_8447a)