Alaskan Dude:
Cast members ready to join in the show
Alaskan Dude:
Cast members checking out the show
Alaskan Dude:
The Rogues really getting into their singing
Alaskan Dude:
Performing in front of the porta-potties
Alaskan Dude:
Lovely pirate wench at the Crooked Toad
Alaskan Dude:
Angel getting into his music
Alaskan Dude:
The Rogues can do more than plunder
Alaskan Dude:
The Emcee of the show
Alaskan Dude:
What great curves and angles
Alaskan Dude:
Who let the girls out?
Alaskan Dude:
Wenches sizing up the pirates
Alaskan Dude:
Wench in a great outfit
Alaskan Dude:
Lovely blond wench
Alaskan Dude:
Come here, big Pirate!
Alaskan Dude:
Wenches on the prowl
Alaskan Dude:
Showing off her nice form
Alaskan Dude:
One of the Rogues looking rougish
Alaskan Dude:
Wench in black
Alaskan Dude:
Pirate with fresh grog
Alaskan Dude:
Lovely new wench
Alaskan Dude:
Future wench?
Alaskan Dude:
Audience member practicing her growl with the competition looking on
Alaskan Dude:
Taking part in a Growl Like a Pirate contest
Alaskan Dude:
What a nice necklace!
Alaskan Dude:
One of the wenches singing about pirates
Alaskan Dude:
Lass with a lovely hat
Alaskan Dude:
Wench in red
Alaskan Dude:
Dreaming of a cask of rum and a wench
Alaskan Dude:
Lovely wench getting into her singing
Alaskan Dude:
Nice redhead singing