Alaskan Dude: Blue Himalayan Poppies near the start of the Winner Creek Gorge trail
Alaskan Dude: Flowers near the start of the Winner Creek Gorge trail
Alaskan Dude: Cool looking burl on a tree on the Winner Creek Gorge trail
Alaskan Dude: Serene part of the Winner Creek Gorge trail
Alaskan Dude: Wild looking mushrooms on a tree on the Winner Creek trail
Alaskan Dude: Looking down on the Winner Creek Gorge from the bridge, Girdwood, Alaska
Alaskan Dude: Turbulent part of the Winner Creek Gorge
Alaskan Dude: Nice colors at the Winner Creek Gorge
Alaskan Dude: Water shooting through the Winner Creek Gorge
Alaskan Dude: Water whipping through the Winner Creek Gorge, Girdwood, Alaska
Alaskan Dude: Flowers near the Winner Creek Gorge trailhead