John D Hardy:
Aphis fabae?:Black fly...send for the lady birds
John D Hardy:
Araneus quadratus:Common garden spider
John D Hardy:
Calopteryx virgo: Beautiful Demoiselle (This one is a male)
John D Hardy:
Cerambyx velutinus:long horned beetle
John D Hardy:
Cerambyx velutinus:long horned beetle
John D Hardy:
Cetonia aurata :Rose chafer :by Autun Cathedral
John D Hardy:
Coccinella 7-punctata: Ladybird.Seven spot first of the season
John D Hardy:
Coccinella 7-punctata:Ladybird Puzzle
John D Hardy:
Ephemeroptera: Mayfly
John D Hardy:
John D Hardy:
Ephemeroptera:Mayfly posing on a car roof
John D Hardy:
Otiorhynchus sulcatus:Broadnosed weevil
John D Hardy:
Pentatoma rufipes:a forest bug.
John D Hardy:
Pyrrhocoris apterus, common name "firebug".
John D Hardy:
Pyrrhocoris apterus, common name "firebug".
John D Hardy:
Sialis lutaria:Alder fly
John D Hardy:
Spider mass ...West Yorkshire: orb web spiders
John D Hardy:
Sympetrum striolatum:Common darter (female)
John D Hardy:
Sympetrum striolatum:Common darter (female)
John D Hardy:
Sympetrum striolatum:Common darter (female)
John D Hardy:
Sympetrum striolatum:Common darter (female)
John D Hardy:
Sympetrum striolatum:Common darter (female)
John D Hardy:
Syrphidae:drone fly
John D Hardy:
Tettigoniidae:Bush-cricket on dandelion
John D Hardy:
xBumble Bee
John D Hardy:
xBumble bee on Ragwort
John D Hardy:
xCrane Fly aka Daddylonglegs
John D Hardy:
xCrane fly aka Daddylonglegs or should this one be "mummy lost legs" - there should be six legs
John D Hardy:
John D Hardy:
xOrbweb spiders