John D Hardy: The tea time
John D Hardy: Yellow flower
John D Hardy: Hypericum 'Hidcote' not Rose of sharon(British style)
John D Hardy: Rose Bay Willow Herb
John D Hardy: IMGP2833
John D Hardy: IMGP2832
John D Hardy: A form of Senecio
John D Hardy: Goose grass/Cleavers(Galium aparine)
John D Hardy: Goose grass on Laurel
John D Hardy: Logan berries?
John D Hardy: Logan berries?
John D Hardy: Cats Tail/Timothy Grass/Phleum pratense
John D Hardy: Toadflax
John D Hardy: IMGP2816
John D Hardy: IMGP2815
John D Hardy: IMGP2814
John D Hardy: IMGP2813
John D Hardy: IMGP2812
John D Hardy: Bindweed with the inevitable thrip
John D Hardy: Stinging Nettle
John D Hardy: Berries
John D Hardy: Bramble
John D Hardy: Flowers on privet
John D Hardy: Moorland view
John D Hardy: Goldfinches on the sunflower hearts
John D Hardy: Some of our goldfinches
John D Hardy: I remember galeopsis speciosa from home
John D Hardy: IMGP2797