John D Hardy: Southport- the back garden 24 07 07
John D Hardy: Southport -the front garden 24 07 07
John D Hardy: Southport- the front garden 24 07 07
John D Hardy: Phlox in two colours
John D Hardy: Hydrangea
John D Hardy: A pretty little weed...
John D Hardy: Lavender
John D Hardy: A patch of Yellow Oxalis
John D Hardy: Fuschia
John D Hardy: Fuschias
John D Hardy: Hydrangea
John D Hardy: Hydrangea
John D Hardy: Hydrangeas
John D Hardy: Montbresia
John D Hardy: Montbretia
John D Hardy: Passion Flower - a sideways view.
John D Hardy: Hydrangea
John D Hardy: Euonymus
John D Hardy: Hydrangea
John D Hardy: Fuschia
John D Hardy: Fuschia
John D Hardy: Fuschia
John D Hardy: The lawn shorn
John D Hardy: Yellow oxalis or Yellow sorrel (oxalis corniculata)
John D Hardy: Yellow oxalis or Yellow sorrel (oxalis corniculata)
John D Hardy: Fuschia
John D Hardy: Fuschia
John D Hardy: Hydrangea