John D Hardy: Still flowering...almost everlasting
John D Hardy: Daffodil
John D Hardy: Tulip - the working end
John D Hardy: Wire sculpture on its own
John D Hardy: Ominous...
John D Hardy: St Mary's Lighthouse
John D Hardy: Starlings (Sturnus vulgaris)
John D Hardy: The Physical components
John D Hardy: Stacks at dusk
John D Hardy: Honley:St Mary's Parish Church
John D Hardy: Dusk at Holmfirth
John D Hardy: Reflections
John D Hardy: The stalker
John D Hardy: Lakeland - Windermere
John D Hardy: Gayle-the road to Hawes
John D Hardy: Gayle -a wet winter day
John D Hardy: Across the valley
John D Hardy: Mountain ash?
John D Hardy: Cyclamen
John D Hardy: A late late dandelion...October 20th
John D Hardy: dash from the sea
John D Hardy: surfing
John D Hardy: Naresborough
John D Hardy: Centaurea montana:Knapweed
John D Hardy: IMGP3995
John D Hardy: I'm not talking to you.
John D Hardy: Haws the fruit of the Hawthorn