Crafty and Crap: IMG_2679
Crafty and Crap: Raspberries
Crafty and Crap: Dwarf Apricot Twig
Crafty and Crap: Dwarf Peach Tree
Crafty and Crap: Onions, beets, flowering potatoes
Crafty and Crap: Flowering potato in background, olive and fig tree (for decor)
Crafty and Crap: Patio Plantings See Notes
Crafty and Crap: IMG_2689
Crafty and Crap: News Paper Lined plantign box
Crafty and Crap: IMG_2687
Crafty and Crap: IMG_2686
Crafty and Crap: IMG_2685
Crafty and Crap: IMG_2684
Crafty and Crap: Watermelon
Crafty and Crap: Cantelope emphasis on Cant
Crafty and Crap: Watermelon & Zuch
Crafty and Crap: Flowering Potato
Crafty and Crap: Strawberry Planter
Crafty and Crap: Sad Spinach and will be spices
Crafty and Crap: IMG_2671
Crafty and Crap: Potatos, ready for more dirt
Crafty and Crap: Raspberries
Crafty and Crap: Razzle Dazzle Tomato plant
Crafty and Crap: Side by Side
Crafty and Crap: aspargus
Crafty and Crap: Peppers, looking yellowish