Crafty and Crap: New arrival, Teenage Turkeys
Crafty and Crap: 9 turkey boys, one will be for thanksgiving
Crafty and Crap: Mr Turkey and his flock of Guinea hens that he protects
Crafty and Crap: IMG_0962
Crafty and Crap: IMG_0961
Crafty and Crap: IMG_0960
Crafty and Crap: Chicken that keep following me when I would gather greens for Marin the iguana
Crafty and Crap: Chicken that keep following me when I would gather greens for Marin the iguana
Crafty and Crap: Mr. Turkey and his flock
Crafty and Crap: Girlfriend Cleo who laid eggs while we were there
Crafty and Crap: Garden and barn
Crafty and Crap: Swiss Chard
Crafty and Crap: Garden, last day and Boo
Crafty and Crap: Baby Fern
Crafty and Crap: IMG_0945
Crafty and Crap: IMG_0944
Crafty and Crap: Baby Fern
Crafty and Crap: Reminds me of a pig, sheep and napoleon Dynamite
Crafty and Crap: Fern and mom Daisy
Crafty and Crap: And Ragweed's mom Buttercup
Crafty and Crap: Vermont State Fair
Crafty and Crap: Vermont State Fair
Crafty and Crap: Vermont State Fair
Crafty and Crap: Vermont State Fair
Crafty and Crap: Vermont State Fair
Crafty and Crap: Ferris Wheel
Crafty and Crap: Ring of fire, ahem