GorissM: Cleaning the barrel with a worm and Untangling the ropes...
GorissM: Moving cannon into position.
GorissM: Placing the fuse.
GorissM: Fire!!!
GorissM: Standing clear of the cannon rolling back..
GorissM: Cleaning out the cannon barrel after firing.
GorissM: Strange Tree
GorissM: Human Brain Sections
GorissM: Encephalartos ferox
GorissM: Skylab Orbital Workshop
GorissM: Mortar handles
GorissM: Blue & Yellow Macaw
GorissM: Galapagos Giant Tortoise
GorissM: Alligator feeding time
GorissM: Claw of a Green Winged Macaw
GorissM: Green Tree Python
GorissM: Centralian carpet python
GorissM: Parrot
GorissM: Power Lines
GorissM: Canal along Withlacoochee Bay Trail
GorissM: Alligator
GorissM: Green Heron (Butorides virescens)
GorissM: Short-billed dowitcher (Limnodromus griseus)
GorissM: Great Blue Heron (Ardea herodias)
GorissM: Optical illusion
GorissM: Sheltered
GorissM: Stranded in a sea of ivy
GorissM: 鹿威 (Shishi Odoshi; Scare the deer)
GorissM: Apollo Lunar Roving Vehicle
GorissM: Apollo 16 Far Ultraviolet Camera/Spectograph (FUVC)