swarthmoreburke: the inner sea
swarthmoreburke: past peak 4
swarthmoreburke: so long the sun 2
swarthmoreburke: DSC_0576.jpg
swarthmoreburke: south is that way
swarthmoreburke: into the electric
swarthmoreburke: crack the whip
swarthmoreburke: DSC_2895.jpg
swarthmoreburke: horse in the morning
swarthmoreburke: all gone
swarthmoreburke: DSC_3107.jpg
swarthmoreburke: the watcher
swarthmoreburke: sail on silver girl
swarthmoreburke: overlook
swarthmoreburke: the sun before us
swarthmoreburke: surely to the sea
swarthmoreburke: revealed
swarthmoreburke: crum in the snow
swarthmoreburke: crum bend
swarthmoreburke: on thin ice
swarthmoreburke: DSC_0392.jpg