mrjeff2u: Donny is wicked
mrjeff2u: Donny will do anything for a good photo
mrjeff2u: Donny puts the GAY in geisha
mrjeff2u: Donny doesn't go looking for big cocks. They find him.
mrjeff2u: Ruth gives Donny and wedgie... and he likes it!
mrjeff2u: ET Goes Hawaiian
mrjeff2u: Hamburgers and a floorshow
mrjeff2u: Kong gives Donny a buttsuck
mrjeff2u: King Kong in a jaunty hat
mrjeff2u: Donny and Michael and the most beautiful sunset
mrjeff2u: A top model makes everything look good.
mrjeff2u: Donny heads into the sunset
mrjeff2u: Too bad they didn't have Donny's size -- this was way too baggy for him
mrjeff2u: Janelle and Donny fight the big wind at the base of the falls
mrjeff2u: Snow doesn't stop the dudes at the he-man camping trip
mrjeff2u: Nothing dresses up a plain tee shirt like a tulle bowtie!
mrjeff2u: Big ass beer -- the only thing that got me through that hike that day
mrjeff2u: Donny in an old timey pose on Glacier peak
mrjeff2u: Donny and Janelle in a very natural pose. Really. They stood like that everywhere.
mrjeff2u: When you visit the Malibu Getty...
mrjeff2u: ... do it Busby Berkley style!
mrjeff2u: Donny has a BIG package for Roxy on her birthday
mrjeff2u: Donny and Roxy drop trou and exchange clothes (again)
mrjeff2u: Hey, isn't that Mel Gibson over there yelling at the Jews that cause all the wars?
mrjeff2u: Pageant of the Masters -- A Living Pieta
mrjeff2u: Donny still looks young without any plastic surgery!
mrjeff2u: Big Top of Fun for my 50th Birthday
mrjeff2u: Halloween Haunt at Knott's
mrjeff2u: Donny (or the Wicked Witch of the West?)
mrjeff2u: Making room for you