mrjeff2u: Yes, we picked our spot for the neighborhood
mrjeff2u: The home of Kimberly and me for the next 21 hours
mrjeff2u: Hot soup for me, hot paste for Kimberly
mrjeff2u: Scissor-curled ribbong halo for sale
mrjeff2u: Angel in the making
mrjeff2u: An angel in a halo
mrjeff2u: My view for most of the night
mrjeff2u: Hello 2009!
mrjeff2u: i like fun
mrjeff2u: Planning ahead for emerge ncies
mrjeff2u: I wouldn't call it a beauty sleep...
mrjeff2u: The gang moves in
mrjeff2u: Sandra Dee and Rod Stewart
mrjeff2u: Morning in Pasadena
mrjeff2u: The long and winding line
mrjeff2u: Ghetto bleachers (scaffolding in a flat-bed truck)
mrjeff2u: Minutes before the parade arrived
mrjeff2u: Siamese twins, joined at the hair
mrjeff2u: Nobody gets laid because they ride an old-timey bike
mrjeff2u: Collapse!
mrjeff2u: Accident on Sierra Madre Blvd.
mrjeff2u: Ruth provides emergency assistance
mrjeff2u: It looks so comfortable!
mrjeff2u: Keep you arms and legs withing your chair during the entire parade
mrjeff2u: Please pull down the safety bar...
mrjeff2u: Mike in his ghetto-rigged seat
mrjeff2u: Ruth's tireless search for knowledge never ceases
mrjeff2u: Mike can't have nice things
mrjeff2u: Honda float with a huge Asimo
mrjeff2u: High steppin' band