Heinz “57” Varieties of Cameras: "Who said you could take my picture??"
Heinz “57” Varieties of Cameras: "Grrr......dang bow stuck in my fur...."
Heinz “57” Varieties of Cameras: "I'm chasing my shadow into next Christmas!"
Heinz “57” Varieties of Cameras: "Yes Mom, I understand those are bubble lights..."
Heinz “57” Varieties of Cameras: Posing with their handiwork
Heinz “57” Varieties of Cameras: My Beautiful Wife smiling...
Heinz “57” Varieties of Cameras: Charlotte, Frosty, and Dad at Starved Rock Lodge
Heinz “57” Varieties of Cameras: my Wife Monica with Frosty at Starved Rock Lodge
Heinz “57” Varieties of Cameras: The Story of the Dog with Shades
Heinz “57” Varieties of Cameras: The Story of the Dog with Shades
Heinz “57” Varieties of Cameras: The Story of the Dog with Shades
Heinz “57” Varieties of Cameras: The Elephant in the Room
Heinz “57” Varieties of Cameras: Santa sneaking off the balcony....
Heinz “57” Varieties of Cameras: Our Christmas Tree 2015
Heinz “57” Varieties of Cameras: Break by the blue bridge
Heinz “57” Varieties of Cameras: Going to pay his respects to the Graffiti graveyard
Heinz “57” Varieties of Cameras: Feeling cold and blue...