{mandyford}: Out like a light
{mandyford}: 5 minutes into the trip
{mandyford}: Wake us up when we get there!
{mandyford}: Zzzzzzzzz......
{mandyford}: Drooool....
{mandyford}: I'm up!
{mandyford}: Hey! Are we there yet?
{mandyford}: where's my sippy?
{mandyford}: Hey you!
{mandyford}: How YOU doin?
{mandyford}: Mmmm...graham crackers!
{mandyford}: Playing at Great-Grandmother's house is fun!
{mandyford}: Mmmm...cheese!
{mandyford}: Landon looking contemplative
{mandyford}: I'll take some ranch dressing please!
{mandyford}: What can I help you with Great-Grandmother?
{mandyford}: Silly Daddy
{mandyford}: CIMG1365
{mandyford}: So many buttons to push...
{mandyford}: The TV has sucked him in!
{mandyford}: Ben and Great-Grandmother
{mandyford}: Ben and Great-Grandmother
{mandyford}: Ben and Great-Grandmother
{mandyford}: Ben and Great-Grandmother
{mandyford}: CIMG1372
{mandyford}: Landon, Nana and Great-Grandmother
{mandyford}: Sit still Landon!
{mandyford}: Ben and cousin Scott
{mandyford}: Ben and cousin Scott
{mandyford}: Ben and cousin Scott