lumleystreetloiner: Gripped (2)
lumleystreetloiner: Great Tit in a Middlesbrough Back Garden (4)
lumleystreetloiner: Great Tit in a Middlesbrough Back Garden (1)
lumleystreetloiner: Bluetits in the Garden. Middlesbrough The North East. (3)
lumleystreetloiner: Bluetits in the Garden. Middlesbrough The North East. (1)
lumleystreetloiner: Bluetits in the Garden. Middlesbrough The North East. (6)
lumleystreetloiner: Bluetits (5)
lumleystreetloiner: Sparrow taking wing.
lumleystreetloiner: Bluetit in the frame (2)
lumleystreetloiner: Blackbird and the early worm (4)
lumleystreetloiner: Tufted Duck, South Gare, Redcar (1)
lumleystreetloiner: Risible attempt at taking a picture of a Martin in flight at the South Gare. Redcar.
lumleystreetloiner: Bluetit atop a Stone Cat.
lumleystreetloiner: Storm Petrel.
lumleystreetloiner: Reed Bunting, Warrenby, Redcar (2)
lumleystreetloiner: Blue Tit atop a Porcelian Cat (4)
lumleystreetloiner: Black Headed Gull, heading into cloud.
lumleystreetloiner: Shooting the curl, Sea Defence, Redcar.
lumleystreetloiner: Skimming the Sand, Redcar.
lumleystreetloiner: Skimming, STV, Efw (1)
lumleystreetloiner: Skimming, STV, Efw (2)
lumleystreetloiner: Skimming, STV, Efw (5)
lumleystreetloiner: Two Coot's, Warrenby, Redcar.
lumleystreetloiner: Black Headed Gull, Redcar Promenade.
lumleystreetloiner: Black Bird. Back Garden, Middlesbrough (14)
lumleystreetloiner: Black Bird. Back Garden, Middlesbrough (9)
lumleystreetloiner: Black Bird. Back Garden, Middlesbrough (5)
lumleystreetloiner: Black Bird. Back Garden, Middlesbrough (4)
lumleystreetloiner: Immature Starlings, Yarden, Middlesbrough.
lumleystreetloiner: Immature Starlings, Yarden, Middlesbrough.