Paul King: putnamville methodist church
Paul King: the swingset at putnamville
Paul King: old barn next to putnamville church
Paul King: an old piece of farm equipment next to the church
Paul King: putnamville church
Paul King: view of the old church from across the lawn
Paul King: the tiny postiffice in putnamville
Paul King: Miller Elementary school, front
Paul King: miller elementary school from behind
Paul King: my old junior high school
Paul King: greencastle high auditorium
Paul King: the vet nearby
Paul King: the dentist's office building
Paul King: dairy castle, for ice cream on hot days
Paul King: this used to be a mcdonald's
Paul King: the DePauw observatory
Paul King: the berkshire apartments
Paul King: they still have the drive-through bank teller
Paul King: the courthouse at the main town square
Paul King: a World War II buzz-bomb
Paul King: the traditional town square
Paul King: a very tiny street fair, 1/4 block long
Paul King: walmart at the edge of town
Paul King: inside walmart
Paul King: quarry cliff edge
Paul King: a cliff edge at the quarry
Paul King: a quarry precipice
Paul King: cement plant across the quarry
Paul King: The secret quarry viewed through the trees
Paul King: houses seen from the quarry forest