Kobolt74: Turgite
Kobolt74: Wiśniówka quarry Poland Quartz iron oxide inclusions
Kobolt74: Wavellite in the Cambrian sandstones Wiśniówka quarry Poland
Kobolt74: Wavellite with Quartz Wiśniówka quarry Poland
Kobolt74: Wavellite Wiśniówka quarry Poland
Kobolt74: Wavellite in the Cambrian sandstones from the Wiśniówka quarry Poland
Kobolt74: Wavellite in the Cambrian sandstones from the Wiśniówka quarry Poland
Kobolt74: Calcite Rzędkowice Poland
Kobolt74: Calcite Rzędkowice Poland
Kobolt74: Bulgaria Madan quartz,chalcopyrite
Kobolt74: Bulgaria Madan
Kobolt74: Bulgaria Madan Krushev Dol mine quartz,calcite,chalcopyrite, pyrite
Kobolt74: Bulgaria Madan Krushev Dol mine calcite,galena,quartz
Kobolt74: Bulgaria Madan Gidiurska mine quartz,pyrite
Kobolt74: Bulgaria Madan quartz