Really Turning Japanese: Miyajima torii
Really Turning Japanese: The classic shot + umbrella
Really Turning Japanese: Grey skies and bright umbrellas
Really Turning Japanese: Almost time to say goodbye...
Really Turning Japanese: Me, Aex and Lauren
Really Turning Japanese: Traditional summer dress
Really Turning Japanese: What is wrong with your face?
Really Turning Japanese: My biggest fan base... year 8
Really Turning Japanese: Grades one, two and three at Tsukari Primary
Really Turning Japanese: Me planting rice
Really Turning Japanese: Mmmm, poisonous fish!
Really Turning Japanese: Christmas 2005
Really Turning Japanese: Autumn at Miyajima 2005
Really Turning Japanese: Captured by Elizabeth
Really Turning Japanese: Aoi pulls a grumpy face
Really Turning Japanese: Maki chan at the top of the world