carotinacoconut: La fabbrica di nuvole - The clouds factory
carotinacoconut: mela di cemento
carotinacoconut: Sì, é come passeggiare in un enorme freezer. (temp 15/20 sotto zero)
carotinacoconut: MIA - NYC
carotinacoconut: FILMO CAMERA NYC
carotinacoconut: Crew Film Production 1 - NYC
carotinacoconut: Botanical Garden - NYC
carotinacoconut: Dal tunnel di vetro sopraelevato di Hunter College NYC
carotinacoconut: Hunter College - NYC
carotinacoconut: La mia finestra - Quando dice che nevica NYC
carotinacoconut: La mia finestra _ By Night - NYC
carotinacoconut: The Bronx NYC
carotinacoconut: Camille NYC
carotinacoconut: SoftTV - NYC
carotinacoconut: La mia stanza nel campus - NYC
carotinacoconut: east village NYC
carotinacoconut: east village NYC
carotinacoconut: I'd smash Patriarchy
carotinacoconut: bianca neve