eaglefoot: what i found on the fridge when i got home
eaglefoot: this is going to be my wine chiller/cooler?
eaglefoot: thanks reba
eaglefoot: reba and lara panas pa siempre
eaglefoot: LARA in boston
eaglefoot: reba and i danceando
eaglefoot: al and i thought this was cute
eaglefoot: we all live in a yellow submarine
eaglefoot: according to this little guy
eaglefoot: raw talent
eaglefoot: my bf
eaglefoot: i embroidered/bedazzled this
eaglefoot: so many succulents!
eaglefoot: trying to buy this
eaglefoot: i wisely advised alice to get this plant
eaglefoot: merengue in the kitchen
eaglefoot: me and ry
eaglefoot: fruits, vegetables, birds and flowers = great combo
eaglefoot: i love these tiles
eaglefoot: come on guys, finish your 40s and lets take some pics
eaglefoot: lara internacionalizando el mundo
eaglefoot: "this is going to be awesome" face
eaglefoot: "this is going to be a long night" face
eaglefoot: me and al pregaming in the crv.
eaglefoot: lara and eduardo compartiendo
eaglefoot: i was trying to get everybody to eat these terrible crackers
eaglefoot: danceando a little bit
eaglefoot: hanging out a little bit
eaglefoot: hayy
eaglefoot: al's garden where i like to brunch