h.ngo: Last one before home!
h.ngo: Getting ready to go.
h.ngo: Trump
h.ngo: Justin
h.ngo: Huyen eating pretzles?
h.ngo: somebody got hungry..
h.ngo: 00000472.jpg
h.ngo: Order number 95.
h.ngo: jason? henry?
h.ngo: to the tram
h.ngo: cross them legs
h.ngo: wait.
h.ngo: No pictures please.
h.ngo: Jason
h.ngo: 00000503.jpg
h.ngo: 00000505.jpg
h.ngo: 00000508.jpg
h.ngo: 00000522.jpg
h.ngo: face in furnace
h.ngo: Tower of terror drop
h.ngo: Paradise Pier
h.ngo: and we wait some more.
h.ngo: and we wait some more.1
h.ngo: and we wait some more.2
h.ngo: and we wait some more.3
h.ngo: and we wait some more.4
h.ngo: Stuck
h.ngo: Stuck.1