Polterguy50: Random photo - Best license plate EVER!
Polterguy50: Random Photos! - Knowing what to say.
Polterguy50: Random Photos! - Me 2!!
Polterguy50: Random Photos! - Hey you! Suzy Q!
Polterguy50: Random Photos! - The Vampire Slayer!!
Polterguy50: Random Photos! - GOD BLESS YOU!!!
Polterguy50: Random Photos! - SERIOUSLY?!!
Polterguy50: Random Photos! - COUSIN IT probably has a better car!
Polterguy50: Random Photos! - It would be a long drive from here!!
Polterguy50: Random Photos! - How was this person laughing?!
Polterguy50: Random Photos! - Is your last name Cooper?!!
Polterguy50: Random Photos! - You must work indoors!
Polterguy50: Random Photos! - What is thy bidding?!
Polterguy50: Random Photos! - I Betta WHAT?!
Polterguy50: Random Photos! - Must Be A Stockbroker!!
Polterguy50: Random Photos! - Seriously?!
Polterguy50: Random Photos! - That's good advice!!
Polterguy50: Random Photos! - Why Thank You! lol
Polterguy50: Random Photos! - I'll take your word for it!!
Polterguy50: Random Photos! - Since when did you become the physical type?!
Polterguy50: Random Photos! - GO SOX!!
Polterguy50: Random Photos! - I'd be careful of this one!
Polterguy50: Random Photos! - We're all stories, in the end. Just make it a good one!
Polterguy50: Random Photos! - Bet your favorite letter is RRRRR! lol
Polterguy50: Random Photos! - And I drive, I WIN!
Polterguy50: Random Photos! - And what do you do for a living?!
Polterguy50: Random Photos! - Really?! I'm ITALIAN!
Polterguy50: Random Photos! - Bostonian License Plate
Polterguy50: Random Photos - Do you prefer DONNIE?!
Polterguy50: Random Photos - Must of been sent to their room a lot!