aenee: Room to Breathe - Be still 52 week 2
aenee: A reflection of me - Week 3 of Be Still
aenee: Week 6 challenge : Dark mood and props
aenee: Week 9 Be Still class
aenee: Week 13 - A series of bottles
aenee: Unstaged - Week 12
aenee: Light around the clock Week 10
aenee: Week 15 - Laundry time
aenee: FOCUS - week 7
aenee: Memories of my Dad
aenee: Week 17 - Memories of my Oma Lili
aenee: 18-52 Organic
aenee: week 18 - Organic 2
aenee: Week 15 - Cuppa
aenee: week 15 - Natures Bounty
aenee: Week 16 - Milk and Cookies
aenee: Week 20 - Gather
aenee: Week 21 - Bread
aenee: Week 23 - Art is either plagiarism or revolution. Paul Gauguin
aenee: Week 24 - Stillness.......
aenee: Week 25 - Butter & Eggs
aenee: 26-52 Square, top down, empty space, two sides
aenee: 27-52 Vignettes
aenee: 28 - 52 Backlit
aenee: 29-52 In the window
aenee: 30-52 A few of my favourite still life photo's of 2014
aenee: 30-52 - Out with the old.......
aenee: week 31 - Hanging bottle
aenee: Hanging
aenee: Week 32 - Backdrop play