aenee: 28-52-Xziva and friends at the smallest seaport of the Netherlands -- Explored
aenee: 27-52 - Take a bow - Explored :) and she deserves it for this awesome bow :)
aenee: Day 29 - Let's make some textures
aenee: One strong colour # 5 Be eccentric !!!!
aenee: A bag full of kisses
aenee: 46-52 - Imitation/tribute
aenee: Hyacinth bulbs
aenee: Week 23 - Art is either plagiarism or revolution. Paul Gauguin
aenee: 41-52 - Give a dog your heart and you'll get one in return
aenee: week 18 - Organic 2
aenee: Week 17 - Memories of my Oma Lili
aenee: Memories of my Dad
aenee: 30 - 52 - Paws
aenee: 24-52 - Moulin á Vent de Moidrey - Windmill van Moidrey
aenee: 23-52 - Nous sommes en vacances !!
aenee: A reflection of me - Week 3 of Be Still
aenee: 19-52 outtake - Tongue
aenee: 17-52- Our Dandelion queen
aenee: Perfectly imperfect .......
aenee: 14-52 - On her way to .......
aenee: 10-52 - Wait
aenee: 9-52 - Birthday girl
aenee: 8-52 Congratulations Holland, 29 medals !!!!!!
aenee: 3-52 - Covered in red !!
aenee: It's a wonderful life !!!
aenee: Amaryllis
aenee: Movember Xziva
aenee: Better Things Ahead .....
aenee: Happy Halloween
aenee: #Made No More