aenee: atalanta
aenee: penseelkever, Trichius zonatus/Scarabaeidae
aenee: aglais urticae/ the small turtoiseshell
aenee: ladybirds
aenee: butterfly
aenee: bumble bee
aenee: butterfly feeding
aenee: sharing
aenee: bumblebee
aenee: dragonfly comes knocking
aenee: spider!!
aenee: vlinder/butterfly
aenee: bumble bee
aenee: Balancing act . Explored !!!! 18 april # 322
aenee: Just a weed !
aenee: Demselfly / Libelle
aenee: Dragonfly on a wire :)
aenee: 28-52 Just flying by
aenee: Walking on a small ridge
aenee: The long climb
aenee: Bumblebee
aenee: Bumblebee 2
aenee: Stuffing it's face :)
aenee: Bee on a flower
aenee: Day 56 Type tricks
aenee: Bee hungry
aenee: Maniola jurtina - Bruin zandoogje
aenee: Climbing the wall