Neon Perri: Whoville in Cake!
Neon Perri: Cindy Lou Who!
Neon Perri: Big Christmas tree!
Neon Perri: Who guards the presents?
Neon Perri: Trees of the World
Neon Perri: Out of focus giraffe!
Neon Perri: Origami panda!
Neon Perri: Italian Creche
Neon Perri: Newborn baby chick!
Neon Perri: Fluffy and happy
Neon Perri: Very Hard Day
Neon Perri: Not Christmas, but nifty
Neon Perri: A typewriter older than Dad's
Neon Perri: Just... Cool
Neon Perri: Ladybug socks!
Neon Perri: Straw tree
Neon Perri: Straw Bells
Neon Perri: Cool ornament