stej123: Mandalorian N1 Starfighter from The Mandalorian/Boba Fett series
Jerac: Get yourself an Impling!
Inthert: Meow (Lights On)
MendolorianMOCs: Super Star
LEGO DOU Moko: LEGO Dino Megazord 大獣神
gid617: Ballad
Hacim Bricks: The Numinous Isle
ForlornEmpire: Into Dungeon Depths
ChocoBricks Customs: Krang - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Ayrlego: Fright Knights
Martin_Studio98: Cersei & Jaime Lannister - Game of Thrones
lechkulina: Corner sub-assembly of a storage platform
Silmaril_1: The Getaway
adde51: Falcon chapel
Lego Popo: Game of Thrones [Teenage Drogon]
spud_the_viking: Akko Gate
Nannan Z.: Enchanted Pueblo
malengarek: AT-RCT Walker - Antolus I
ZCerberus: Knights Castle
noblebun: The Wanderer - Command Bridge
Jonas Wide ('Gideon'): Toll House in Barqa
Hypolite Bricks: Saw Gerrera's Segra Milo Base
BobDeQuatre: Space Pirates Contest on Eurobricks
Horlack: [Blacktron] Fighter Bomber
Hypolite Bricks: Narkina 5 Prison Breakout
Si-MOCs: New Hashima
kjw010: Crack in the Plaster
lechkulina: Stone bridge