Moth Clark:
Usually reclusive coral snake
Moth Clark:
Crested guans
Moth Clark:
Crested guan
Moth Clark:
Tropical kingbird with mixed flock inc scarlet-thighed dacnis
Moth Clark:
Male & female red-legged honeycreepers & scarlet-thighed dacnis
Moth Clark:
Male & female red-legged honeycreepers & scarlet-thighed dacnis
Moth Clark:
Unidentified woodcreeper
Moth Clark:
Unidentified woodcreeper
Moth Clark:
Female Baltimore orioles with mixed flock inc scarlet-thighed dacnis
Moth Clark:
Male Hoffmann's woodpecker
Moth Clark:
Male Hoffmann's woodpecker
Moth Clark:
Male Hoffmann's woodpecker
Moth Clark:
Male Baltimore (I think) oriole
Moth Clark:
Male scarlet-rumped tanager
Moth Clark:
Moth Clark:
Moth Clark:
Female Baltimore (?) oriole
Moth Clark:
Female Baltimore (?) oriole
Moth Clark:
Male scarlet-rumped tanager
Moth Clark:
Male scarlet-rumped tanager
Moth Clark:
Male variable seedeater
Moth Clark:
Red-lored (?) parrots
Moth Clark:
Red-lored (?) parrots
Moth Clark:
Red-lored (?) parrots
Moth Clark:
Red-lored (?) parrots
Moth Clark:
Parrot or parakeet flock
Moth Clark:
Clay-coloured robin (thrush)
Moth Clark:
Clay-coloured robin (thrush)
Moth Clark:
Montezuma oropendola
Moth Clark:
Male Baltimore (?) oriole