Joy.Hodshon: Sturt Pea Flowers 1.
Joy.Hodshon: Tendrils.
Joy.Hodshon: Lacework.
Joy.Hodshon: Sturt Peas.
Joy.Hodshon: Sturt Pea Flowers 2.
Joy.Hodshon: Pond Rocks.
Joy.Hodshon: Cotoneaster.
Joy.Hodshon: Cotoneaster.
Joy.Hodshon: Looking Up 2.
Joy.Hodshon: Foliage and Fruit.
Joy.Hodshon: Town Tree.
Joy.Hodshon: Sunburst.
Joy.Hodshon: Night Wind.
Joy.Hodshon: Leaf Litter.
Joy.Hodshon: New Growth: Frangipani.
Joy.Hodshon: Low Tide.
Joy.Hodshon: Sunlight and Shadow.
Joy.Hodshon: Sunlit, Early Morning.
Joy.Hodshon: Roadside Grass.
Joy.Hodshon: Sunrise Leaves.
Joy.Hodshon: Leaves.
Joy.Hodshon: Faded Rose.
Joy.Hodshon: At the AALBG.
Joy.Hodshon: Leaf Detail.
Joy.Hodshon: ... and After.
Joy.Hodshon: Before...
Joy.Hodshon: Rosebud, Gladstone Square.
Joy.Hodshon: Queen of the Night.
Joy.Hodshon: Into the Depths.
Joy.Hodshon: Slowly Sinking.