AVESOPHILUS: Gorg Blau viaduct 7 may 1984
AVESOPHILUS: Tomir , 7 apr 1984
AVESOPHILUS: Tomir , 7 may 1984
AVESOPHILUS: Cala San Vicente , 12 may 1984
AVESOPHILUS: Cala San Vicente 1st may 1984
AVESOPHILUS: Cala San Vicente valley 12 may 1984
AVESOPHILUS: Crag Martin , Boquer Finca 4 may 1984
AVESOPHILUS: Dad , near Monasterio de Lluc , 7 may 1984
AVESOPHILUS: Entrance to Boquer Valley 4 may 1984
AVESOPHILUS: Entrance to Gorg Blau 7 may 1984
AVESOPHILUS: European Scop's Owl , Pollensa Park Hotel 7 may 1984
AVESOPHILUS: Formentor lighthouse 11 may 1984
AVESOPHILUS: Gorg Blau , 7 may 1984
AVESOPHILUS: Gorg Blau 7 may 1984
AVESOPHILUS: Gorg Blau area 7 may 1984
AVESOPHILUS: Gorg Blau viaduct, 7 may 1984
AVESOPHILUS: Near Gorg Blau , 7 may 1984
AVESOPHILUS: Near Puig Mayor , 7 may 1984
AVESOPHILUS: Near Puig Mayor 7 may 1984
AVESOPHILUS: Puig Mayor 7 may 1984
AVESOPHILUS: Pollensa from Boquer Valley 4 amy 1984
AVESOPHILUS: Road to LLuc 7 may 1984
AVESOPHILUS: Road to LLuc , 7 may 1984
AVESOPHILUS: Road to LLuc 7 may 1984
AVESOPHILUS: Sardinian Warbler male , Sierra de Cala San Vicente 12 may 1984
AVESOPHILUS: Sierra de Cala San Vicente , 12 may 1984
AVESOPHILUS: Sierra de Cala San Vicente 12 may 1984
AVESOPHILUS: Sierra de Cavall Bernatt ,12 may 1984
AVESOPHILUS: Sierra de Cavall Bernatt ,12 may 1984
AVESOPHILUS: Spotted Flycatcher , Boquer 4 may 1984