AVESOPHILUS: Yellowhammer male Powburn 19 april 2014
AVESOPHILUS: Reed Bunting male Powburn 19 apr 2014
AVESOPHILUS: Blackbird Collennan 13 may 2014
AVESOPHILUS: Woodpigeon at Loans 13 may 2014
AVESOPHILUS: Woodpigeon Loans 13 may 2014
AVESOPHILUS: Magpie Loans 13 may 2014
AVESOPHILUS: Black Guillemot ,Troon Harbour 12 may2014
AVESOPHILUS: Black Guillemot Troon Harbour 12 may 2014
AVESOPHILUS: Black Guillemot in Troon Harbour 12 may 2014
AVESOPHILUS: Black Guillemot at Troon Harbour 12 may 2014
AVESOPHILUS: Black Guillemot pair Troon Harbour 12 may 2014
AVESOPHILUS: female Pied Wagtail with 2 young Collennan 21 may 2014
AVESOPHILUS: Skylark Dundonald Camp 11 july2014
AVESOPHILUS: Skylark Dundonald Camp 11 july 2014
AVESOPHILUS: Skylarks Dundonald Camp 11 July 2014
AVESOPHILUS: Albino Black-headed gull(on left) 20 july 2014
AVESOPHILUS: Albino Black-headed Gull Barassie Rocks 20 july 2014
AVESOPHILUS: Goldfinch , Barassie Beach 22 aug 2014
AVESOPHILUS: Goldfinch juvenile , Barassie Beach 22 aug 2014
AVESOPHILUS: Goldfinches barassie Beach 22 aug 2014
AVESOPHILUS: Wheatear , Powburn 19 sep 2014
AVESOPHILUS: Starling juvenile , Muirhead 7 sep 2014
AVESOPHILUS: Little Egret Barassie Beach 20 sep 2014
AVESOPHILUS: Black Swan River Irvine 13 oct 2014
AVESOPHILUS: Black Swan , The Keys ,River Irvine 13 oct 2014
AVESOPHILUS: 2 Whooper Swan , Capringstone Flash 16 oct 2014
AVESOPHILUS: Robin , Irvine Beach Park 17 oct 2014
AVESOPHILUS: Robin,Shewalton Wood SWT, 17 oct 2014
AVESOPHILUS: Turnstones , Stinking Rocks ,Barassie 9 nov 2014