AVESOPHILUS: Rain in the rainforest
AVESOPHILUS: Dusky Honeyeater outside Kingfisher Lodge window
AVESOPHILUS: MacLeay's Honeyeater outside kitchen window of Kingfisher Lodge
AVESOPHILUS: MacLeay's Honeyeater outside kitchen window of Kingfisher Lodge
AVESOPHILUS: Victoria's Riflebird female or juvenile
AVESOPHILUS: Victoria's Riflebird female or juvenile
AVESOPHILUS: Welcom Swallow , Lake Barrine
AVESOPHILUS: Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike immature ,Land Road
AVESOPHILUS: Crested Pigeon ,Land Road
AVESOPHILUS: Crested Pigeons,Land Road
AVESOPHILUS: another glimpse of the Chestnut-breasted Mannikin
AVESOPHILUS: Not easy to photograph..a Chestnut -breasted Mannikin
AVESOPHILUS: MacLeays Honeyeater