AVESOPHILUS: Rain Forest Dawn
AVESOPHILUS: Rain Forest dawn
AVESOPHILUS: Rain Forest dawn
AVESOPHILUS: Spangled Drongo from Kingfisher Lodge
AVESOPHILUS: Australian Brush Turkey outside reception
AVESOPHILUS: Australian Brush Turkey outside reception
AVESOPHILUS: Rainbow Lorikeets at the owners bird table
AVESOPHILUS: Rainbow Lorikeet at the owners bird table
AVESOPHILUS: Rainbow Lorikeet at the owners bird table
AVESOPHILUS: Flower outside kitchen at Kingfisher Lodge
AVESOPHILUS: MacLeay's Honeyeater through kitchen window Kingfisher Lodge
AVESOPHILUS: MacLeay's Honeyeater through kitchen window
AVESOPHILUS: Plumed Whistling Duck at Hastis Swamp Nature Reservee
AVESOPHILUS: Rufous Night Heron at Hasties Swamp Nature Reserve
AVESOPHILUS: Pink-eared Duck at Hasties Swamp Nature Reserve
AVESOPHILUS: Wandering Whistling Duck at Hasties Swamp Nature Reserve
AVESOPHILUS: Catherine at Lake Eacham wood
AVESOPHILUS: Me at Lake eacham wood
AVESOPHILUS: Saw-shelled Turtle at Lake Eacham
AVESOPHILUS: Spotted Harried over Heidke Road Topaz Road junction