AVESOPHILUS: Brent Goose Wig Bay 1 jan 2012
AVESOPHILUS: Rough-legged Buzzard , Mennock Pass 16 dec 2014
AVESOPHILUS: Golden Plover Lowther Hill 10 may 2016
AVESOPHILUS: Male Northern Wheatear Lowther Hill 10 may 2016
AVESOPHILUS: Male Northern Wheatear Lowther Hill 10 may 2016
AVESOPHILUS: Meadow pipit Lowther Hill 10 may 2016
AVESOPHILUS: Black-legged Kittiwake , Mull of Galloway 25 june 1983
AVESOPHILUS: Black-legged Kittiwake , Mull of Galloway , 25 june 1983
AVESOPHILUS: Northern Fulmar , Mull of Galloway , 25 june 1983
AVESOPHILUS: Northern Fulmar , Mull of Galloway 25 june 1983
AVESOPHILUS: Greenland White-fronted Goose , Loch Ken 13 feb 1983
AVESOPHILUS: Barnacle Geese , Caerlaverock 11 nov 1985
AVESOPHILUS: Eurasian Wigeon Caerlaverock 11 nov 1985
AVESOPHILUS: Eurasian Wigeon Caerlaverock 11 nov 1985
AVESOPHILUS: Eurasian Wigeon , Caerlaverock 11 nov 1985
AVESOPHILUS: Whooper Swan Caerlaverock 11 nov 1985
AVESOPHILUS: Whooper Swan and Mute Swan Caerlaverock 5 dec 1978
AVESOPHILUS: Whooper Swans Caerlaverock 5 dec 1978
AVESOPHILUS: Cattle Egret, Loch MagillieDumfries and Galloway 4 nov 1986
AVESOPHILUS: Cattle Egret , Loch MagillieDumfries and Galloway 4 nov 1986
AVESOPHILUS: Cattle Egret , Loch Magillie , 4 nov 1986 D&G
AVESOPHILUS: Bewick's Swan Caerlaverock WWT 5 dec 1978
AVESOPHILUS: 2Whooper Swan, 1 Mute Swan Caerlaverock WWT 5 dec 1978
AVESOPHILUS: Western Cattle Egret , Loch Magaille , 4 Nov 1986
AVESOPHILUS: Western Cattle Egret , Loch Magillie , 4 Nov 1986
AVESOPHILUS: Western Cattle Egret , loch Magillie, Dumfires and Galloway 4 Nov 1986