AVESOPHILUS: Blue-winged Teal South Gilmourton Pools,Lanarkshire 11 apr 2012
AVESOPHILUS: Glaucous Gull 2nd winter Troon Harbour 21 sept 2012
AVESOPHILUS: Ring-billed Gull first winter Barassie 2 mar 2012
AVESOPHILUS: Rose-coloured Starling Muirhead 4 mar 2012
AVESOPHILUS: Rose-coloured Starling at fatball feeder 21 mar 2012
AVESOPHILUS: Kumlien's Gull Troon harbour 27 jan 2012
AVESOPHILUS: Glaucous Gull 2nd winter Troon Harbour 6 sept 2012
AVESOPHILUS: Glaucous Gull first winter Troon Harbour 16 july 2012
AVESOPHILUS: Slavonian Grebe Troon Harbour 3 jan 2013
AVESOPHILUS: Pectoral Sandpiper at Dundonald Camp 18 dec 2011
AVESOPHILUS: Pectoral Sandpiper Dundonald Camp 10 mar 2012
AVESOPHILUS: Pectoral Sandpiper Dundonald Camp 18 dec 2011
AVESOPHILUS: American Coot . Loch Flemington,Inverness-shre 19 Jan 2014
AVESOPHILUS: Caspian Gull with 1st winter and 3rd summer Herring Gull , Amble Harbour 15 august 2014
AVESOPHILUS: Caspian Gull , Amble Harbour 15 august 2014
AVESOPHILUS: Collared Flycacher Low Newton 9 may 2013
AVESOPHILUS: Glossy Ibis , Cresswell Pond,Northumberland,England 9 jan 2014
AVESOPHILUS: Bridled Tern , Cresswell Pond 7 july 2013
AVESOPHILUS: Rose-coloured Starling Back Garden 15 mar 2012
AVESOPHILUS: Greater Yellowlegs E.Chev.9 dec 2011
AVESOPHILUS: Greater Yellowlegs E.Chevington 9 dec 2011
AVESOPHILUS: Greater Yellowlegs East Chev 9 dec 2011
AVESOPHILUS: Greater Yellowlegs East Chevington 9 dec 2011
AVESOPHILUS: Greater Yellowlegs,East Chevington 9 dec 2011
AVESOPHILUS: Waxwing duo , Ayr 18 nov 2012
AVESOPHILUS: Waxwing , Ayr 18 nov 2012
AVESOPHILUS: Wawing duo,Ayr 18 nov 2012
AVESOPHILUS: Rose-coloured Starling on apex of roof 1 mar 2012
AVESOPHILUS: Rose-coloured Starling and Blackbird 15 mar 2012
AVESOPHILUS: Rose-coloured Starling 1stw to ad Muirhead.Troon 28 feb 2012