AVESOPHILUS: Blackbird female Ellington 6 dec 2012
AVESOPHILUS: Long-tailed Duck male winter plumage Cresswell Pond 6 dec 2012
AVESOPHILUS: Long-tailed Duck male winter plumage from behind Cresswell Pond 6 dec 2012
AVESOPHILUS: Long-tailed Duck male winter plumage sideways on Cresswell Pond 6 dec 2012
AVESOPHILUS: Pheasant male and Moorhens feeding Cresswell Pond 6 dec 2012
AVESOPHILUS: Blackbird female Ellington garden 6 dec 2012
AVESOPHILUS: Little Grebe Gosforth Park 8 apr 2012
AVESOPHILUS: Stonechat female,East Chevington, 30 oct 2012
AVESOPHILUS: Greater Yellowlegs East Chev 9 dec 2011
AVESOPHILUS: Greater Yellowlegs E.Chevington 9 dec 2011
AVESOPHILUS: Greater Yellowlegs E.Chev.9 dec 2011
AVESOPHILUS: Eider Amble Harbour 10 dec 2011
AVESOPHILUS: Golden Plover and Lapwing Cresswell Pond 9 dec 2011
AVESOPHILUS: Eider , Amble Harbour 08 dec 2011
AVESOPHILUS: Eider ,Amble 08 dec 2011
AVESOPHILUS: Greater Yellowlegs , Cresswell Pond 8 dec 2011
AVESOPHILUS: Greater Yellowlegs ,E.Chev 9 dec 2011
AVESOPHILUS: Greater Yellowlegs stretching 9 dec 2011 E.Chevington
AVESOPHILUS: Kestrel ,Cresswell Pond 8 dec 2011
AVESOPHILUS: Red-breasted merganser ,Cresswell Pond 8dec2011
AVESOPHILUS: Eurasian Kestrel , Housesteads 4 apr 2012
AVESOPHILUS: Eurasian Kestrel , Housesteads 4 apr 2012