In Memoriam: tomylees: Monday, 1st, After the overnight shower IMG_6411
In Memoriam: tomylees: Tuesday, 2nd, Sunshine and showers helps the garden grow IMG_6548
In Memoriam: tomylees: Wednesday, 3rd, Out in the rain IMG_6574
In Memoriam: tomylees: Thursday, 4th, A few spots of rain IMG_6606
In Memoriam: tomylees: Friday, 5th, Pink pelargoniums IMG_6620
In Memoriam: tomylees: Saturday, 6th, Blue iris IMG_6660
In Memoriam: tomylees: Sunday, 7th, A tub of bluebells IMG_6687
In Memoriam: tomylees: Monday, 8th, More buds appear IMG_6710
In Memoriam: tomylees: Tuesday, 9th, Tiny and wild IMG_6763
In Memoriam: tomylees: Wednesday, 10th, Sitting in the sunshine IMG_6798
In Memoriam: tomylees: Thursday, 11th, Another favourite bird IMG_6842
In Memoriam: tomylees: Friday, 12th, Wet with rain IMG_6857
In Memoriam: tomylees: Saturday, 13th, A welcome sight again IMG_6928
In Memoriam: tomylees: Sunday, 14th, Pretty in the sunshine IMG_7062
In Memoriam: tomylees: Monday, 15th, Breakfast scrum IMG_7085
In Memoriam: tomylees: Tuesday, 16th, A splash of yellow IMG_7104
In Memoriam: tomylees: Wednesday, 17th, Dripping with rain IMG_7156
In Memoriam: tomylees: Thursday, 18th, Buying new plants IMG_7173
In Memoriam: tomylees: Friday, 19th, Am I friend or foe IMG_7216
In Memoriam: tomylees: Saturday, 20th, My first honeysuckle flower this year IMG_7231
In Memoriam: tomylees: Sunday, 21st, Bringing forth the flowers IMG_7430
In Memoriam: tomylees: Monday, 22nd, Flowers come and flowers go IMG_7445
In Memoriam: tomylees: Tuesday, 23rd, Reminds me of my Nan IMG_7496
In Memoriam: tomylees: Wednesday, 24th, Feeling wild IMG_7542
In Memoriam: tomylees: Thursday, 25th, Honeysuckle at its best IMG_7569
In Memoriam: tomylees: Friday, 26th, Bumper show of flowers IMG_7604
In Memoriam: tomylees: Saturday, 27th, Opening in the sunshine IMG_7736
In Memoriam: tomylees: Sunday, 28th, An early flower IMG_7755
In Memoriam: tomylees: Monday, 29th, Sunshine and showers bring forth the flowers IMG_7817
In Memoriam: tomylees: Tuesday, 30th, In a sheltered spot IMG_7841