In Memoriam: tomylees:
60:365, 2017, Pretty daffodils IMG_3576
In Memoriam: tomylees:
61:365, 2017, Orange flowers IMG_3606
In Memoriam: tomylees:
62:365, 2017, Animal pots IMG_3645
In Memoriam: tomylees:
63:365, 2017, Spring flowers IMG_3695
In Memoriam: tomylees:
64:365, 2017, At the service IMG_3741
In Memoriam: tomylees:
65:365, 2017, Pink flowers IMG_3786
In Memoriam: tomylees:
66:365, 2017, The resident mallard IMG_3821
In Memoriam: tomylees:
67:365, 2017, Shop window IMG_3885
In Memoriam: tomylees:
68:365, 2017, Yellow daffodils IMG_3906
In Memoriam: tomylees:
69:365, 2017, GN07 AVO IMG_3926
In Memoriam: tomylees:
70:365, 2017, Two flowers IMG_3989
In Memoriam: tomylees:
71:365, 2017, GN07 AVO IMG_4008
In Memoriam: tomylees:
72:365, 2017, Police Car IMG_4031
In Memoriam: tomylees:
73:365, 2017, Chelmsford Cathedral IMG_4062
In Memoriam: tomylees:
74:365, 2017, Sitting in the tree IMG_4146
In Memoriam: tomylees:
75:365, 2017, Swimming fish IMG_4174
In Memoriam: tomylees:
76:365, 2017, Swimming around IMG_4246
In Memoriam: tomylees:
77:365, 2017, All in pink IMG_4301
In Memoriam: tomylees:
78:365, 2017, Orange flowers IMG_4325
In Memoriam: tomylees:
79:365, 2017, Pansy faces IMG_4340
In Memoriam: tomylees:
80:365, 2017, Looking good IMG_4367
In Memoriam: tomylees:
81:365, 2017, Pretty trees IMG_4382
In Memoriam: tomylees:
82:365, 2017, Outside Caffe Uno IMG_4413
In Memoriam: tomylees:
83:365, 2017, Towards the railway beyond IMG_4469
In Memoriam: tomylees:
84:365, 2017, John Ray's garden IMG_4496
In Memoriam: tomylees:
85:365, 2017, Colourful leaves IMG_4525
In Memoriam: tomylees:
86:365, 2017, On the fence IMG_4563
In Memoriam: tomylees:
87:365, 2017, Near the High Street IMG_4601
In Memoriam: tomylees:
88:365, 2017, On my way home IMG_4629
In Memoriam: tomylees:
89:365, 2017, Soft and fluffy IMG_4648