In Memoriam: tomylees: 244:365, 2015, Happy face IMG_6113
In Memoriam: tomylees: 245:365, 2015, Walking on the surface IMG_6161
In Memoriam: tomylees: 246:365, 2015, Reddening berries IMG_6207
In Memoriam: tomylees: 247:365, 2015, Bottom of the stairs IMG_6250
In Memoriam: tomylees: 248:365, 2015, Ten pink roses IMG_6304
In Memoriam: tomylees: 249:365, 2015, Boats on the mudbank IMG_6367
In Memoriam: tomylees: 250:365, 2015, Just opening IMG_6405
In Memoriam: tomylees: 251:365, 2015, Dripping with berries IMG_6436
In Memoriam: tomylees: 252:365, 2015, Beautiful sarees IMG_6593
In Memoriam: tomylees: 253:365, 2015, The guardian IMG_6736
In Memoriam: tomylees: 254:365, 2015, The fiery light IMG_6889
In Memoriam: tomylees: 255:365, 2015, On the canal IMG_7170
In Memoriam: tomylees: 256:365, 2015, QE2 bridge IMG_7282
In Memoriam: tomylees: 257:365, 2015, The widows railings IMG_7329
In Memoriam: tomylees: 258:365, 2015, Ramsgate surfers IMG_7369
In Memoriam: tomylees: 259:365, 2015, Ornate gates IMG_7423
In Memoriam: tomylees: 260:365, 2015, Three in a row IMG_7484
In Memoriam: tomylees: 261:365, 2015, Two seater IMG_7537
In Memoriam: tomylees: 262:365, 2015, Long shadows IMG_7613
In Memoriam: tomylees: 263:365, 2015, Royal British Legion IMG_7746
In Memoriam: tomylees: 264:365, 2015, Watching the rain clouds IMG_7781
In Memoriam: tomylees: 265:365, 2015, Orange lantern plant IMG_7801
In Memoriam: tomylees: 266:365, 2015, Fine day at the fountain IMG_7820
In Memoriam: tomylees: 267:365, 2015, Sedum and fuschia IMG_7848
In Memoriam: tomylees: 268:365, 2015, On the lake
In Memoriam: tomylees: 269:365, 2015, Looking for food IMG_7972
In Memoriam: tomylees: 270:365, 2015, Reflecting the sky IMG_8006
In Memoriam: tomylees: 271:365, 2015, Autumn leaves IMG_8042
In Memoriam: tomylees: 272:365, 2015, Mallard pair IMG_8073
In Memoriam: tomylees: 273:365, 2015, Under the bandstand IMG_8104